Events and Gatherings
Local events near Celo, NC
Seeding culture around ritual, death, and dying to grow regenerative communities

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Death & Danishes are gatherings to eat a pastry, drink coffee, meet new folks, and talk about death. Our objective is to help us live our days more robustly, by making it easier to discuss and consider death. These gatherings are not biased towards any outcome or belief system, nor intended to be grief support or counseling sessions.
Next Session
September 17, 10-11:30 am
Celo Community Center Pavilion
Join us for a conversation about Ernest Morgan, who first published Dealing Creatively with Death: A Manual of Death Education and Simple Burial, in the 60’s, when death-related topics were definitely not a dinner table conversation! Linda Hart, Ernest's granddaughter, will share in this rich discussion. There will be coffee and scones (because I don't make Danishes) too!
What could it look like to evolve what Ernest started for us? Whether you knew Ernest or just want to know more about him, or have interest in building community-centered death care services, come join us for storytelling and idea sharing.

Death as Life: Working With WNC Death Care Practitioners to Re-make the Commons
Death Care practitioners from around WNC― midwives, shroud and casket makers, fiber artists, death educators, and green cemetarians― gathered on November 22, 2020 to share how they are working to weave meaning and community connectivity back into our collective death and dying practices.
In sharing their projects and work, these practitioners sought to spark a conversation around how we can collaborate to grow our regional capacity for providing inclusive and earth-honoring death care services.
The Art as Ritual Gathering
Our community gathered on October 21, 2021 to integrate a pandemic's losses and griefs together through art and ritual. This event encouraged us to move, make art and poetry, tell stories, and burn a temple we'd co-built on the land.